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Winter Term 2024
Date Time Speaker Institution Title
25.10. 14:15 (online) Ruoyu Yin Bar Ilan University Quantum walk hitting times with restarts
15.10. 10:15

Summer Term 2024
Date Time Speaker Institution Title
04.03 14:15 Pierluigi Muzzeddu PhD student at SISSA Polymeric systems in complex environments
12.04. 14:15 Ramon Jaeger Master student UP Single trajectory characterization via machine learning
19.04. 15:15 -16:45 Madhur Mangalam & Damian Kelty-Stephen University of Nebraska, Omaha & SUNY, New Paltz Rethinking Human Sensorimotor Performance: Beyond Engineering Assumptions and Towards a Fluid Understanding
26.04. 10:15 (Colloq.) Kirill Polovnikov Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Polymer models for chromatin dynamics
26.04. 14:15 Agniva Datta PhD student with Carsten Beta Motion of self-propelled particles in alternating runs and traps
03.05. 14:15 Sanjukta Paul Bankura University, Purandarpur Inequalities and Self-organization in Kinetic Exchange Models of Wealth Distribution
10.05. - - - -
16.05. 11:00 (!) Samudrajit Thapa MPI Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden Data-driven modelling of diffusion in complex, heterogeneous medium using Bayesian inference
22.05. 14:30 (!) Srabanti Chaudhury Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune Role of Macromolecular crowding in biological processes – a discrete state stochastic


24.05. 10:15 (Colloq.) Michael Tamm Tallin University, Estonia Linguistic competition models
24.05. 14:15 Kim Kreienkamp Technical University of Berlin, PhD with Sabine Klapp Symmetry breaking in active non-reciprocal systems
29.05. 10:15 (!) Yann François Cyril Lanoiselée Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Catalytically optimized search strategy
29.05. 11:15 (!) Erik Kalz PhD at UP with Ralf Metzler Polarization in Isotropic, Odd-Diffusive Systems
31.05. 10:15 (Colloq.) Julian Talbot Sorbonne Universite, Paris Elongated particles under shear: the effect of noise
31.05. 14:15 Suchismita Das MPI Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden Flocking by turning away
03.06. 14:15 Thomas Franosch University of Innsbruck, Austria Run-and-tumble dynamics of E-coli bacteria
07.06. - - - -
14.06. 10:15 (Colloq.) Sergei Fedotov University of Manchester Anomalous Transport of Heterogeneous Population
21.06. 14:15 Philipp Meyer University of Potsdam Stochastic modelling of complex systems
28.06. 14:15 Yingjie Liang University of Potsdam, Hohai University Nanjing Resetting in ultraslow diffusion
05.07. 10:15 (Colloq.) Thilo Groß Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB), Oldenburg One ring to rule them all: Small steps toward a theory of complexity
05.07. 14:15 Adrian Pacheco-Pozo Colorado State University Fractional Brownian motion with fluctuating diffusivity
10.07. 14:15 (!) Amir Bahrami Bilkent University - National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), Ankara Protein-induced membrane remodeling in cellular and biological processes
12.07. 10:15 (Colloq.) Benjamin Lindner Humboldt University, Berlin Fluctuation-response relations for diverse complex systems - from stochastic oscillators and spiking neurons to particle motion in an active bath
12.07. 14:15 (online) Sarita Kumari Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Discretization Methods for Time-Fractional Diffusion and Diffusion-Wave Equations with Weak Initial Singularity
19.07. 13:45 (!) (online) Archana GR MPI Polymer Research, Mainz Directed transport of Brownian ratchet in rough energy landscapes
25.07. 14:15 (!) (online) Alexander Ferraro University of Trento, Italy Coupled mean field FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with delayed interactions
02.08. - - - -
09.08. 10:00 (!) (online) Kento Yasuda & Li-Shing Lin Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University Micromachines with odd elasticity
16.08. 14:15 Takuma Akimoto Tokyo University of Science, Japan Anomalous diffusion in laser-cooled atomes

Winter Term 2023/24
Date Speaker Title
13.10. Andres and Timo Modelling multilayered Ta/Si anodes and lithiation processes in a Li battery anode
20.10. Juergen Geiser Fokker-Planck Equations and Boltzmann equations: Solver with respect to Splitting Approaches
27.10. Rosalind Allen in the Colloquium at 10:15
27.10. Sergey Serdyukov

Anna Bodrova

A new family of higher order Fokker-Planck type equations and theory of anomalous diffusion

Resetting of free and confined motion with generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck distribution

03.11. Marco Mazza in the Colloquium at 10:15
17.11. Henrik Enhancing anomalous diffusion classification with multifractal spectral features
29.11. Nikolas Ditz Nonlinear time-dependent microrheology in viscoelastic media
01.12. Erik Gengel Modeling of jellyfish swarms
08.12. Yingjie Non-Gaussian and asymmetric relaxation behaviors in fractional Laplace motion with drift
19.01. Toby Kay


Subdiffusion in the presence of reactive boundaries: A generalized Feynman–Kac approach

Anomalous epidemic spreading in heterogeneous networks

26.01. Christoph Merschjann


Low-dimensional diffusive charge transport in bulk polymeric carbon nitrides can it be real?

Paradigm Shift of the Molecular Dynamics Concept in the Cell Membrane: High-Speed Single-

Molecule Tracking Revealed the Partitioning of the Cell Membrane

02.02. Trifce


Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and generalizations

Diffusion of active Brownian particles in gels, at 10:15

09.02. Wei


Fractional Brownian motion with spatially dependent exponent

Thermal motion in FBM-like random force field

Summer Term 2023
Date Speaker Title
21.04. Henning Reinken

Janusz Szwabiński

Optimal turbulent transport in microswimmer suspensions

Feature-based approach to classification of anomalous diffusion

05.05. Natalia Kruszewska Anomalous diffusion in biosystems
19.05. Egor Kiselev at 14:45
26.05. Yingjie Nonergodicity of confined superdiffusive fractional Brownian motion
09.06. Qing Time-fractional integro-differential operators in generalized Fokker-Planck and generalized Langevin equations
16.06. Wei


Memory-multi-fractional Brownian motion and its statistical properties

Optimal foraging strategies can be learned and outperform Lévy walks

23.06. Philipp Timescales in the Dynamics of Political Opinions and the Voter Model
07.07. Bogdan Slavov


Crumpled polymer with loops: a theoretical model of chromosome folding

Trapped Tracer in a viscoelastic active bath

14.07. Khanh-Hoa Tran-Ba
28.07. Erik


Active Field Theories and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Winter Term 2022/23
Date Speaker Title
14.10. Ivan Two-dimensional confined diffusion biased by a transverse gravitational force
28.10. Jakob Zimmermann Distributed connectivity of nodes and SIR model
04.11. Shakul Awasthi Oscillating states of periodically driven Langevin systems
11.11. Ekrem Chaotic Universe Theory
18.11. Ana-Suncana Smith Molecular Transport in Highly Confined Liquids
25.11. Prof. Basu


Anomalous nanoscale dynamics in biomembranes: Insight from super-resolution microscopy and fluctuation spectroscopy

Stochastic modelling of opinion time series

02.12. Prof. Nagler

Ion Santra

Impact of Network Motifs on Response Dynamics

Universal properties in the long time position distribution of active particles

09.12. Arne Quantum diffusion during inflation and primordial black holes
16.12. Yingjie Anomalous diffusion, nonergodicity and aging in scaled fractional Brownian motion.
13.01. Abhinav Sharma Enhanced dynamics in overdamped odd systems
20.01. Roi Holtzman


Mpemba effect through phase transitions in Landau theory

Boldly Lévy walking where no vector has gone before

27.01. Costantino


Partial resetting in homogeneous processes

Uncertainty-aware machine learning predictions on heterogeneous diffusion trajectories

03.02. Timo


The mobile/immobile model with advection and its relation to CTRW

Particle tagging method for the study of  Stellar Haloes in Galaxy simulations

10.02. Colloquium Tony Albers at 10:15
17.02. Alberto Imparato


A quantum thermodynamics approach to optimization in classical complex systems

Taxis of cargo-carrying microswimmers in traveling activity waves

24.02 Erik Oscillatory Force Autocorrelation induces Collision-Enhanced Self-Diffusion
03.03. Adrian Pacheco Random walks in correlated diffusivity landscapes

Summer Term 2022
Date Speaker Title
22.04. Organization
29.04. Ralf


Introductory talk

Collisions enhance self-diffusion in odd-diffusive systems

06.05. Yousof Encoding Scheme for Infinite Set of Symbols: The Percolation Process on Infinite Perfect Binary Trees
20.05. Gorka Machine learning and heterogeneous anomalous trajectories: every step counts!
03.06. Karol Capała

Michael Assaf

Kramers-like problem for Levy flights

Outbreak Size Distribution in Stochastic Epidemic Models, at 15:00

10.06. Zivorad


Fractional characteristic functions, fractional moments of random variables and applications

Breaking the properties of the mean-first passage time through Galilean transformation

17.06. Henrik


AnDi-Challenge with SWAG (Bayesian Deep Learning)

Fractional Derivative Modelling of Non-Darcy flow and solute transport in geological systems

24.06. Koushik


Stochastic thermodynamics for active systems

Models of non-Brownian motion in heterogeneous materials: From anomalous to ultraslow diffusion

01.07. Wei Machine learning prediction of QRS complex on the electrocardiogram, at 15:30
08.07. Philipp


Data analysis of Springbok movement

Heterogeneous diffusion processes with resetting

15.07. Timo Two-dimensional mobile/immobile motion and subordination
22.07. Guillermo Effective 1D heterogeneous diffusion in narrow channels
26.07. Deepak Vinod



Understanding Resetting through GBM

Multimessenger astronomy for studying Galactic halo

Non-universality in the random sequential adsorption criticality in the presence of spatially long-range correlated defects.

29.07. Helena

Deepak Gupta

Self-regulation of contact patterns in high-risk settings

Minimum-dissipation protocol for F1-ATPase molecular motor

Winter Term 2021/22
Date Speaker Title
29.10. Ralf & Timo Introduction and Organization
05.11. Ralf Introductory talk
12.11. Ralf Introductory talk (2nd part)
19.11. Philipp Noisy stochastic motion in harmonic potentials
26.11 Luigi Zanovello The Committor function: characterizing target-search processes for active agents
10.12. Ilya Pavlyukevich Towards mathematical understanding of heterogeneous diffusion
17.12. Andrew Rutenberg Single-file diffusion is interesting
07.01. Henrik


Bayesian Deep Learning for error estimation in the analysis of anomalous diffusion

Motion of mobile/immobile tau proteins

14.01. Antonio Experimental study of Fickian yet-non Gaussian Diffusion in an optical speckle field
21.01. Chris/Tobias shifted
28.01. Jule Aging power spectrum of membrane protein transport and other subordinated random walks
04.02. Harshith Characterising plankton behaviours using deep learning powered inline holography.
11.02. Saksham


Analytical Tools To Distinguish the Effects of Localization Error, Confinement, and Medium Elasticity on the Velocity Autocorrelation Function

Single-Particle Diffusion Characterization by Deep Learning

18.02. Amin Padash


First passage statistics for asymmetric Levy flights.

The mean first passage time of a continuous time random walker

25.02. Costantino


Many-particles diffusing with resetting: study of the large-deviation properties of the flux distribution

Theory of relativistic Brownian motion: The(1+1)-dimensional case

04.03. Francisco Understanding Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion via long-range molecular interactions.